Thursday, December 1, 2011

Blogger... sheesh! Part 2 of the catch up :)

Issues with blogger, don't mind me. Operator error. :) Anyway on November 21st our little Ollie girl Turned 1! Oh my how time flies! ;') They grow up so fast... don't mind the horrible picture. The good one is on my phone. :P I found her like this, she was trying to put her coat on by her self... too funny! She has done this 3 times. I don't know another dog who loves wearing clothes more than she does.

Random beautiful picture of our view of Antelope Island from our street. I just love it up here

Late November- oh the joy's of home ownership! Raking fifteen 20 gallon bag of leaves! And they hadn't all fallen yet either! SIGH! That pile in the picture took 3 bags alone... my poor tree may it rest in peace. This was my last and final beautiful picture of my favorite tree on our property... :'( It's so large I can never get the whole thing in one shot.

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