Friday, March 30, 2012

Rapunzel Let Down Your Long Hair!

It was January 2009 when I decided to grow my hair out. I had the same short hair cut in different variations for the last 5 years and I wanted something different. The most different I could get was going opposite of what I have had for the last 16 years. Long Hair.

This was probably the shortest I have ever had my hair. Most places weren't even an inch long!
This is also me about 30 heavier... you can see it all in my face.
This was in 2010 at our apartment. I remember taking this one specifically to record my hair growth. Don't mind this face I'm making...?

2012 and a whole lot of Biotin later and I'm a lot further along than I ever thought I would last! I usually chop it off when I get bored but I am committed. Only 6 more inches and I will be satisfied. :)


3 months later and we are getting this bad boy FIXED! I hated seeing my tarp strapped chimney every morning as I backed out the drive way... just made my stomach sick. This many weeks later (17 to be exact) and I'm liking the way it looks already!

Even though it's fantastic, I think we will still face it with the stone and paint the brick. ;) I can't wait for the final outcome though!